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Why go custom?

Consumers demand more than plain printed t-shirts. Don't spend your marketing budget on merch that leaves a bitter aftertaste. Invest in fully customized promotional clothes that raise the value of your brand and make an impression. After all, 90% of people who receive a promotional product remember the brand name. Make it physical, uplift your brand. 

Your competition thinks it's a good idea

70% of brands consider promotional products an effective way to achieve marketing goals. Not many go beyond slapping their logo across generic promotional materials. Differentiate your brand with customized corporate apparel that adds value to your brand's merch.

Apparel everyone will remember

Global studies show that people remember brands that gave them promotional apparel. Staggering 85% of consumers were able to recall the name of the brand that gave them promo apparel. Promotional clothes are an opportunity for impressions. Custom apparel is fashion, sponsored by your brand. 

Let your marketing team market

Organizing a conference? Getting ready for that next event? Launching something new? Let us take at least something off your team's plate. Our branding experts get the message right, fashion designers translate it to apparel, and our production wizards make it all without your team breaking a sweat. Save time and money, get effective apparel that people will rave about. Oh, did we tell you? We take care of the quality control, import processes, and deliver your very own fit-to-wear collection to your company address, too.

Your brand is not cheap, is it? Don't let them think it is.

72% of consumers directly link the quality of a promotional product with the reputation of the brand. Your team works too hard to be sending the wrong message of who you are, what you do, and how you do it. Customized apparel, accessories, and gifts give power to your brand story.

Start at home, treat your employees

59% of employees who were gifted a promotional product from their employer end up liking their workplace even more. Enliven your corporate culture with custom gifts and apparel, raise the value of your employer brand and internal marketing. Try our home office swag or custom uniforms to strengthen your team spirit.

Unless you're in fashion industry, you're not supposed to know this

We're sure your marketing team does a fantastic job. But as you hire ad agencies and digital marketing experts to help your people out, promotional materials deserve the same level of expertise. We're in fashion and branding for a long time. We can negotiate the best sourcing prices globally, have experienced fashion designers, and know ins and outs of what it takes to make quality clothes. Like you leave your ads to advertising geniuses, let our team craft custom apparel that speaks your brand's true story. Seamlessly. 

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